Wednesday, May 5, 2010

People need to be tasered more...

I'm not sure how many of you saw this story (the here video is entertaining)...A 17 year old ran onto the filed recently at a Philadelphia Phillies game as seen in the photo above. You can also see in the background that the security office/Philly police officer is pointing a taser at the kid. He eventually shot the taser with some great accuracy and the kid dropped like a ton of bricks.

There are some other points to consider with this moronic situation:

  • The kid called his father to ask permission before he went on the field (so the parents clearly passed on some great genes).
  • He 'tweeted' about doing it moments before he jumped on the field.
  • Going on the field of play with possibly large and angry men should come with some consequences. 
My Take: Was this to harsh??....hell no, if you are dumb enough to do this, then you are ready for all things that may come from it. I'm sure he was surprised and literally shocked to learn that they had tasers, but some lessons are learned by living them, usually the best lessons!  

I can only hope that this makes more of the morons out there think twice before jumping on the field and I hope they tase 'em all. Really, how is security to know that he means no harm and that he is just dumb? They have to protect the players, the good fans and themselves. 

Cudos to the security...they should also implement the tasing of people who lose their minds at Wal-Mart (as well as other big box stores), idiots in traffic and pedestrians/bikers who cut off cars without looking...

That's my rant, I'm here all week...

JLS aka tased and confised


  1. they shoud have had a 22 rife and shot the sob in the ass.. make him and al the other retards that do think again bout doing it... dumb idiot deserved to be snapped around

  2. Should adapt the RCMP taser rules....anything goes...
