Friday, October 1, 2010

Madness, just Madness...and I'm loving every minute of it...

It’s a Mad Mad World...

Well as I sit here with my foot buried in ice cold water (story for another time, suffice it to say I am getting old)...I ponder many things. However I can’t write about them all in a timely fashion, so I will have to pick just one topic.

Earlier this week I began watching the AMC original series called Mad Men. I have been hearing about this show for a few years now, but since I don’t get AMC in HD here in the land of terrible tv selection, I never watched it. Recently Netflix became available in Canada (with a 90% absolutely terrible selection I might add, when compared to its American sister) and they offered a free month for signing up.  I’m no fool so I said sure give me a free month. Well I have had this preview for about a week and the only thing I have even looked at is Mad Men. 

Here is the description of Mad Men:

A drama about one of New York's most prestigious ad agencies at the beginning of the 1960s, focusing on one of the firm's most mysterious but extremely talented ad executives, Donald Draper.

Here is Joe’s take on Mad Men:

The show is for sure about admen (you will notice a play on the title...I hope) from the 1960’s, some of them are mysterious, some are just odd and some of them are just plain douchy. Don Draper is a GREAT tv character who has a lot of skeletons and I am only 7 episodes into season 1.

This show is a social commentary on fast paced office life in the big city in the 1960’s. I say that as a person who was -21 years old when 1960 rolled around. So I think I am qualified to speak on that topic. Here is what I’m talking about...

There is never a scene where at least one person isn’t smoking an unfiltered cigarette, the women are old school receptionists who have to hang up their bosses hat and jacket each morning, and are expected to keep a lid on all of the men’s indiscretions. The show is very sexist, soaked in stereotypes (such as the way the women dress, the ‘black’ man running the elevator and the constant drinks at lunch, the constant husband search), and filled with currently socially unacceptable activities (drinking and driving, smoking/drinking while pregnant, overtly treating women and minorities like trash and taking care of the wife and kids as well as your mistress).

You may read that description and say, why would I want to watch this show, it sounds like all that was bad with society, and you would be correct. However this show is not these things, the time the show is set in WAS these things and the show has to portray them to accomplish what it wants. What AMC prides itself on is, “Story Matters” and this is the most captivating show I have watched since LOST. They are not comparable in any way except one...they both create amazing characters. Don Draper isn’t just Don Draper and the men are all inept at relationships, the women seem weak on the surface but in control when you look deep, but damn is there a lot of room to grow this show. Hence why Mad Men is a 2 time defending best drama champ.

Let’s also not forget that this show is chalked full of amazing lines like:

"Draper? Who knows anything about that guy? No one’s ever lifted that rock. He could be Batman for all we know."

Greg: "I don't want to have a fight."
Joan: "Then stop talking."

Cloud 9?:

Now I need to talk to the other half. What is the other half you say? Well the other half are the people who read what I just wrote and said, holy crap Joe that sounds like an amazing world to work in. I would love to have women and others live to serve me at all times, I would be happier than a hillbilly at a bowling alley if I could have drinks constantly while smoking unfiltereds. If my receptionist doubled as my mistress and my wife always had supper on the table when and if I decided to come home, that would be the bees knees.

If I could be an AdMan in that environment, it would be the best life ever. I mean come on, people still thought it was completely unfounded when Readers Digest printed a report that said cigarettes kill and caused cancer. I would love to have been the guy that came up with the smoking is cool ads since they could no longer talk about the benefits of smoking.

Well to you, the other half, I say...wait, where was I going with this? That sounds pretty good from where I am sitting with a cold foot...

Ok but seriously, I look at the office environment shown in the show and all I can think is that I wouldn’t get a damn thing done. Imagine if there was constant fraternization and drinking and smoking in offices today...wait there still is...ok wrong angle again...

Hmmm...ok let’s try this one, I think it will work. If people today were constantly drinking and fooling around, everyone would know about it via webcam, twitter, facebook, email and camera phone within minutes. Back then everything travelled by mail and word of mouth, so it was a lot safer to do these things. Not to mention that alcohol mixed with social media almost always ends poorly. So at the end of the day, we have progressed because we had to, and because we didn’t want the alcohol around the computers. J (typewriters were much more durable I gather)

What does it mean?:

If you are at all paying attention you are likely saying to yourself...:why is the JLS telling us all of these things? Why do I care about a show I don’t watch and may not even like?”...well here is why I am telling you.
Some people would look at this show and others of its ilk and say, this is terrible, it immoral, it’s degrading to women/minorities, it’s not interesting. On the surface you would be right, however; to that I would say that you are looking at these things from the wrong direction 100%.

We as smart and educated people have to look at such things and say, wow we have come a long way and we really are better off now, no matter what bad things are happening. A lot of the smartest people we all work with are women, and there is not stereotypical man running the elevator. We don’t smoke and drink during pregnancy (for the most part), we don’t believe that cigarettes have health benefits and we don’t view women as maids/baby makers (or at least not any people worth giving a damn about).

So what I think I am trying to say is this. If we don’t know how things used to be, how will we ever appreciate what we have now and what we will always be working towards? How will learn to appreciate all that that nonsense created for us? Some of those things likely should never have existed, but if they didn’t then we would have what we have now. (Plus it’s a great show!)

Morale of the story = have an open mind and always look at how far we have come. There is a long ways to go, but look how far we have come in 40 years...pretty staggering when you really think about it folks.

Until next time
JLS aka today’s AdMan

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can you beat the Apple?

Well RIM (maker of Blackberry) have boldly entered the Tablet Computing market. Look at the specs in the link below and tell me if anyone can beat the Apple iPad right now...

Judging by what I see there, I don't like there chances. One thing they all need to do though is get their prices in order. Some of the costs are way out there.

Be back soon, I just thought this was interesting.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

If You're In Front...You can only be tackled from Behind...

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages...welcome back! Or, I should welcome myself back as I have been very slack in my writing, so I shall try to fix that over time. I hope this post finds you well.

Where can I even begin...hmmm...well I'll start by saying that this has been a great summer in the 'Big Smoke' and it's been a lot fun so far. Great weather, terrible yet enjoyable golf, lots of basketball and softball, and many adult beverages. That my friends is what a summer is made of. Add onto that a week in Cuba and I'd say it's mission accomplished for summer good as this all has been it makes me think of a few things that can always improve (sorry, that's how my brain works).

1. Say what you want about Quebec, but they know how to do their beer pricing...24 Stella for $28, 36 Molson M for $30...why can't the rest of the country get their heads out of their asses and do the same?

2. When you sped a week in Varadero, Cuba in June, it really makes the rest of the summer have a hard to to live up to your standards! Toronto has been hot and nice most days, but there is no way it can compete with sun, sand, bikinis, food, drinks and great company. Sorry Toronto.

3. Why can't the city mow the outfields at their softball diamonds? We pay money to play and they turn coed softball into, find the ball in a hay field. Get it together Toronto, I love it here, but with your lazy ways I can see why people grow weary.

4. I wish it was summer all year in I know what you're thinking...obviously he wants it to be summer all the time, no snow...well although that would be a great side effect, I would love for summer year round here because there are way less people on the roads, and it makes my drive easier. LEARN HOW TO DRIVE PEOPLE!!!

I hope your summer has been as good as mine! Keep Calm and Carry On.

Odd News

Here is an interesting story, have a look at the link. Certainly not a church for everyone, but a creative take on the whole thing.

The Church of the Universe

Ok, so if you are at this point I am guessing you read it...I know it's different than the norm, but I also know 10 ppl who would likely join! Haha, not my style, but to each their own!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ever get this email??...

REMEMBER --Cell phone Numbers go public next month  

This is easy to do and is worth passing on to your family and friends.  

 All cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing  
companies and you will start to receive sales calls.  

Use the "Do Not Call List Canada " web site and register your phone there

This is the web address  

 It takes about 20 Seconds!!!!..... 

I wanted to let everyone know that from my extensive GOOGLE Machine research, I can say with some confidence that this isn't true. Until you hear it from a reputable source, YOUR CELL NUMBER IS NOT GOING PUBLIC. Apparently this email has been circulating since at least 2004. 

That being said, it still isn't a bad idea to click the National Do Not Call List link above and add your number. I did so myself a few years back. 

I'll be back soon with more and some good stuff too. Listen to THE DICKIE LONG SHOW tonight at 6pm eastern and you will be edu-tained. 

JLS aka pinball wizard

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Random Thoughts on a mostly beautiful day...

Yes, those are my feet, and they are loving life!!!

Hey all, I know I say this almost every time I write, but it has been far too long. Maybe that should tell me something, but this isn't a day for lessons or learning :).

I really felt like writing something today but I don't really have a dedicated topic, so I have decided to dedicate to the topic of randomness...

Thoughts I think get thought when people think:

-People in any climate that is anywhere inside the Canadian borders should never complain about the 'heat'...we live in Canada, so if you can't handle a 30 plus day more than 2 times a year then I hear there is a great house for sale in Greenland.

-G20: there are a lot of angles I could take on this one, so here are a few points (opinions, so if you don't agree, I don't care)...the G20 should never be held in a heavily populated area, and maybe shouldn't even be held at all, but I don't know enough about their merits or lack there of to say for sure...the 'protesters' who started the vandalism and violence got off easy, if this was in another country people would have dies for sure, so stop complaining about the 'police state' because it never can bet if someone threw a hammer or billiard ball at me, it'd be on like Donkey Kong...if you don't like the comforts and privacy of a makeshift prison, don't put yourself in a position to have your ass dropped in one...I still think some of the 'rioters' were just shopping on Yonge street...and WTF did Starbucks, Champs Sports and Adidas ever do to you, you friggin punk...3 cop cars burned and nobody got shot????...

-GRATUITOUS PLUG: PLEASE LISTEN TO THE DICKIE LONG RADIO SHOW. There is a player up top and you can also listen to live and past shows at this link (there may or may not be adult language):

-The Gulf Oil 'Spill' (I have an issue with the term as a spill generally means something fell with some gravity involved, this is more of a spew) is still ongoing and with each passing day it will likely take an extra month to clean up. Those wetlands are vital for Hurricane protection of the region and without them you can bet another Katrina will come and will be worse. If you don't believe me, then look it up.

-Basic cable sucks!

-As some of you may know, there was a group of us that went to Cuba a few weeks back...Cuba is awesome, the people there are pretty great and it's if we are gonna talk about heat, let's talk about 40 degrees before the 90% humidity and we were told it wasn't even nearly as hot as they will get, nuff said...If you ever get to go there on an all inclusive, DO IT.

-The Miami Heat will not win the NBA title in the next 2 seasons, mark my words!

-What's wrong with people in the world today? I don't have a specific reason for saying this, just look at the news and pick from the thousands of reasons for yourself. Just smile, be polite and help your fellow human beings. We got nowhere else to go after all!

Well folks, I promise that i will be back sooner than the 40 or so days I was away this time. Keep it real and keep it classy.

JLS aka the co-King of early evening blog talk radio (The Dickie Long Show, listen to it if you like winning the lottery)

...Shout outs...the carriage driver in Cuba (me likey the viagra, me no likely the rum)...Legendario Cuban Rum, you have to try it...Josh and jump shot...Tammy-co...and on and on...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Clusterf#*ck in the Gulf...

Hey all, this is short and sweet. I wanted to let you know that I have added the live video feed of the Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast. It also show an estimate of the amount spilled to date.

Just to give you some perspective, the EXXON Valdez spilled 10.8 million US Gallons in 1989 and that was the worst Oil spill ever. I can tell you from visiting a museum in Alaska, that EXXON was a huge deal to the area. This is already likely double that.

I will leave the video up until this is over. I hope BP doesn't stand for Best Practices, because they need to be taken down for this one. Put em out of business.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

People need to be tasered more...

I'm not sure how many of you saw this story (the here video is entertaining)...A 17 year old ran onto the filed recently at a Philadelphia Phillies game as seen in the photo above. You can also see in the background that the security office/Philly police officer is pointing a taser at the kid. He eventually shot the taser with some great accuracy and the kid dropped like a ton of bricks.

There are some other points to consider with this moronic situation:

  • The kid called his father to ask permission before he went on the field (so the parents clearly passed on some great genes).
  • He 'tweeted' about doing it moments before he jumped on the field.
  • Going on the field of play with possibly large and angry men should come with some consequences. 
My Take: Was this to harsh??....hell no, if you are dumb enough to do this, then you are ready for all things that may come from it. I'm sure he was surprised and literally shocked to learn that they had tasers, but some lessons are learned by living them, usually the best lessons!  

I can only hope that this makes more of the morons out there think twice before jumping on the field and I hope they tase 'em all. Really, how is security to know that he means no harm and that he is just dumb? They have to protect the players, the good fans and themselves. 

Cudos to the security...they should also implement the tasing of people who lose their minds at Wal-Mart (as well as other big box stores), idiots in traffic and pedestrians/bikers who cut off cars without looking...

That's my rant, I'm here all week...

JLS aka tased and confised

Monday, May 3, 2010

The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense...

Welcome back, good times had by all recently I hope. I have been wondering what would be a gripping and relevant topic for me to share with you...well it seems that this topic should have been covered a long time ago. What is it you ask? Well here it is, "What's the Difference between living in Toronto and living in New Brunswick?"

NB Flag (I hope you know)
Toronto Flag (if you're curious)


Although it may seem odd to compare a city to an entire province, let's all keep in mind that the population of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is at least 500k more than the province of NB. Here is a little background on what made me think to choose this topic, here are some examples.

1. "How can you live in Toronto? It's so busy there and so dangerous."
2. "Why did you move from NB to Toronto? I heard it's really beautiful there."
3. "Toronto is so big, I would be so worried about living there, I don't think I could get used to that."
4. "When are you moving back to NB? Wouldn't you rather be here?"

Those are some basic examples of things I have been hearing for the last 4 years, since I picked up and moved to another province for the second time. For the record, when I hear things like this, it's all I can do to not shake the person speaking. I mean really, people need to spread their wings and experience things, so they don't need to ask these questions. But my friends, that is a topic for another time.

the Differences: (this is by no means a comprehensive list, so share anything I may have missed!!!)

  • The Runners: What are the runners you may ask if you are reading this in NB? This is a phenomenon that I will never get used to no matter how long I spend here and it is something that Toronotians have lived with for years and have likely participated in...the act of running/sprinting/bounding/given'er/scampering to get on the subway, go train, bus, streetcar or additional for of public transit. THERE IS NO NEED TO RUN TO RAM THIS DOOR, THERE WILL BE ANOTHER MODE OF TRANSPORTATION COMING!! Please spot doing this as you look like a complete moron and someday, someone inside the train you jump onto, is going to punch you in the face. 
    • Point NB on this one: People from NB are not in such a damn hurry and we realize that there will be another train, I hope someday that can we find a way to pass this knowledge onto people here. Stop being in such a damn hurry!!!
  • Open Minds: Now this one could be touchy subject, but that's not really a concern of mine. People in NB ask the questions above because they have grown up and in most cases lived their whole lives in NB. There is nothing wrong with this per say, but it certainly doesn't lead to a well rounded view of society, Canada or the world in general. People here are much more open to different activities, different people and most importantly different sensations. I can't fully blame this one people in NB, as it really is a different mentality, and people there need to get out an explore a bit more. 
    • Point Toronto: This may sound way to serious to be coming from me, but people need to be more open and show a curiosity/vigor for life and people and the World. I'm not saying that I am world traveler by any means, but living here and Vancouver and Anchorage along with NB, has helped me see that there is a lot of cool beans out there. 
  • Stuff: Ok now this may be the deal breaker on the whole argument...I know this may come as a surprise, but there are hundreds of things to do in Toronto on any given day!! This may sound very odd when you consider that there may only be hundreds of things to do in NB in a given year...:) During my 24+ years in NB I never heard anyone say a sentence like this..."Hey you wanna come to the Raps game with me tonight, see the Foo Fighters tomorrow and then head to the lake-front for the fireworks festival?"...the main reason for that being that none of those things have ever happened in NB. There are all kinds of population arguments that can be made as to why none of these come to NB, but we don't have enough time for that....My point being, if you like doing things and being entertained and having options, then Toronto is for you. (Also consider that Toronto is within an 8 hour drive of many large US markets like Philly, Chicago, Pitts, Cleveland, Indy...ect)
    • Point Toronto: The great thing about Toronto and other great cities throughout the world, is that there is a plethora of activities to partake in and if you choose to never be never will be. Now I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound too darn bad to me. As I have lived both scenarios in multiple cities and areas of NB, I can say...Change is the essence of life, so be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become. 

    Sidenotes: Although Toronto does have 4.5 professional sports team (the Argos being the half), they are all terrible and very hard to root for. I will say that Leafs fans in general are pretty delusional and they are the most entertaining things to watch while attending a Leafs game. Toronto has been deprived of a winner since the back2back World series years of Joe Carter and the boys 17 years ago. it also appears that the Jays are the Hardest working team we have right now. Too bad...

    The Final Score: Well I don't have  a final score, so too bad if you wanted one. Basically from the perspective of a young professional, Toronto (or insert your CITY of choice here) is my preferred place to be. That being said, NB is a great place to grow up and I still talk to a lot of great people from there. Many of which still live there. The people in general are more laid back in NB and they just make me laugh here. People here are not dangerous and please stop asking me how I can ever get used to 'all of the people'...we are humans, and humans adapt. 

    They are both great, but for now, and for me, Toronto wins. deal with it...but as the saying goes, 'To each their own", we should all live by that. 

    JLS...we own this city...

      Friday, April 23, 2010

      Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in...

      Confucius must have been a wise man, so if you like roasted duck like I do, I recommend you buy some from a food vendor or cook some yourself, the hill method doesn't may catch flies though, not as tasty but still that I have passed that along, I feel we can move on.

      It's been a long time coming, but it's finally back...and new entry on the least read blog in cyberspace. I'm fine with that though, because if it got too popular, people would hold me to a level that I am sure I can't attain :)...but I digress...

      Just a warning to my 3 loyal readers, I don't really have a topic for this entry. I am however motivated to write useless thing sand thus here we are...

      Topic 1: The 10 worst drink ideas

      I didn't compile this list, but I thank Time magazine for writing it. Have a look at the link before you read on, I would hate to spoil it for you....


      - Carbonated Milk is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard, I hope to god that never makes it to Canada. If it does, Toronto is a likely test market and I don't want to have to shake someone because I see them drinking this.

      -Coors Sparkling water seemed like an ok idea if you think about Coors commercials and how they claim everything is made with clear cold spring water, but really...stick to your core competency. Business 101.

      -New COKE - Enough said...just look it up, it's covered extensively in many business classes, but here is the coles notes version...basically a massively successful company took a tried and true 100 year old recipe and did a handful of taste tests, then decided to throw away said successful recipe and sell a new one...Now you know why it says Coca Cola Classic on the cans...

      -Orbitz...Cocaine...Thanksgiving Dinner Soda...Tru Blood...I don't even need to elaborate, those are retarded for sure.

      -Ok Soda apparently was released in 1993 with a crazy ad campaign and did poorly in taste tests, it didn't last long and I can honestly say I have never heard of it. Coke used the same marketing team that brought them NEW Coke, wow it's amazing that big companies can be so dumb...See an OK ADD HERE...I can't believe it didn't catch on

      Missed the cut: - Crystal Pepsi comes to mind...can you think of others? I'm sure there are many. Maybe Pepsi Max as well...

      Topic 2: The Porn world expands technology...heard of the internet?

      I have had this discussion with people many times, the porn industry makes the technology choice for all of us. The internet, web design, vhs, blueray, computers and many other things wouldn't be what they are without the filth mongers taking them there.

      If they had picked beta max to release their films on, I would have never owned a VCR, and the same more recently goes for HD DVD vs just some food for though.

      One other thing to consider is how large they are in the internet space...In California the porn industry buys 10x the amount of internet bandwidth from providers than does GOOGLE. I thought Google ruled the world, but apparently they aren't even close...

      Random though:

      ...if you want to be commercially successful, don't hang out with me...

      JLS aka superunknown

      Monday, February 22, 2010

      The Good, the Bad and the...Brilliant?...

      Well just when you start to really think that nothing good come out of athletics these days, there is an athlete like Myron Rolle. He's a football player, a really good football player and he's also a Rhodes Scholar (look it up, it's good)! Now I know you are sitting on your chair all leaned back in a comfy sort of way...and you're saying to yourself, where is he going with this, sounds like a positive guy to have in the world of sports. 

      Well this is where it all goes wrong...our new friend Myron is apparently too smart and this will likely hurt his NFL DRAFT STATUS!! Check this out...I hope for all of our sake that they are wrong...The thinking, according to ESPN, is that NFL teams want to draft guys who need to play football and want to study nothing more than a playbook -- not guys like Rolle, who wants to become a doctor and enjoys studying the latest developments in stem cell research. 

      What has the world come to when a guy is too smart for the NFL. Maybe if they drafted more guys who are multi dimensional, they wouldn't have so many DUI and domestic violence cases floating in the news. Now don't get me wrong, I love the NFL and all of the troubled talent that plays in it, but there also has to be room for guys like Myron. If not, then why do we even tell our kids to try, because it doesn't even matter. (Not that I have or expect to have a kid any time within the decade).

      AI: The Answer is the Right Question

      Allen Iverson's time may be coming to an end. Anyone who follows basketball knows that he's one of the best small men ever to grace the hard court, but they also know that his reputation has often been blemished. 

      This time however, nobody can hold his leaving the team against him...His daughter is apparently very sick and he is taking time off to be with her. For a guy that has had a selfish rep (which I don't personally agree with, but that's for another time), I commend him for taking care of the ones that matter. He's made his money, he's been an MVP and he may get released by the 76ers. But he likely doesn't care about that anymore at all.  

      Good on Ya AI and I hope to see you on the court again. 

      Vancouver 2010...well this is a topic that could easily do an entire blog...I will say this. Cancada had a great program called 'Own the Podium' which was and will be a great program for years to come. Have we owned the podium? NO, have we rented the podium out to the USA, IT APPEARS SO...I hope for a hefty sum as we are allowing them to win 90% of the events . 

      We have 27 or so top 4 finishes and 9 medals, the USA has 31 or so top 4's, but in the range of 25 medals...that just means they close better and maybe that USA attitude really does help their athletes have blind faith in their abilities. I say that's not a bad thing. 

      Women's hockey is a great sport, but right now it's a complete joke, anyone who wants to argue that...please check the box scores...Mens hockey is very even and competitive...There are 4 or 5 teams that have a legit shot at the Gold, it remains to be seen if the Canadian men are one of em :)!!!! I hope so, but Russia is tough. 

      PS...what the heck is up with the mascots? Looks like they got a blind drunk guy to draw em...

      JLS aka the Canadian Podium keeper, I'm bored....

      Sunday, February 14, 2010

      Welcome to Crazyland...week in review (busy week)...

      Hey folks, what's happening, well this is gonna be a good week in review, even though I am sure I won't be able to do it justice. Here we go...

      1. Apparently someone jumped off the bridge in Fredericton today...have a look at the linked Blog, all I have to say about this one is...having lived in Fredericton myself for 5 or 6 years...I can understand why...

      2. The Obligatory GOOGLE story (because there seems to be a new one everyday)...I won't say too much about this one, only this...people who are not in-tuned with Tech news may not know this, but Google really is making the world go round right now, and for better or worse, they are here to stay!!!

      If you search Google for 'world domination', all that happens is their site re-loads...TRY IT!!!

      3. Ok, so I have apparently been all over some cool things online this week, but none of them has been cooler than this. If you have the time to watch this and you like to learn new things, I HIGHLY Recommend this link...NORTH KOREA... For those of you who may have been living under a rock, or in an isolation chamber for the last few decades, North Korea is a communist country controlled by one man. That man is the star of Team America, World Police...Kim Jong Il...

      North Korea has long been locked down and nobody is really allowed in or out, so the fact that this guy was able to get in is amazing and the fact that he got a camera in, is even more so. The DMZ part of the video is nuts and I recommend that you watch this and enlighten yourself!!!

      4. New images of 9/11 were released this week...I don't have any jokes for this one, there videos and pics are still the craziest thing I have ever seen...I still remember driving home from class at UNB and hearing on the radio that a plane hit a building, this didn't register on the severity level for me until I saw the video...

      Ok, so this is Valentine's day currently as I sit with a Stella, watching the 2010 Games and writing this not so amazing I know you are asking yourself, what is Joe doing for his Significant other (aka Jana) on this V Day...well let the answer be heard loud and clear...NOTHING!!!

      Deal with it, she is fine with it. This day is complete garbage and anyone who takes it seriously and would be angry at their significant other for not wasting money on Feb 14th needs to have the marbles in their head checked...yeah I said it...

      JLS...aka quite possibly the greatest beer in the world...


      Wednesday, February 10, 2010

      The BUZZ came Quickly...odd

      Just a follow up to yesterday...Google Launched wasn't expected this fast. Not sure how it works, looks like it may just be a way to drive people to GMAIL, which I happen to be a fan of.

      Does anyone think that BUZZ will catch on? I am skeptical but Google has a way of proving people wrong (and a history of it as well)...

      Don't let companies fool you into thinking they are trying to help, it's all about Market Share...


      The Google Squirrel is coming for you!!

      Tuesday, February 9, 2010

      FACEBOOK Getting Stale

      Well it looks like internet behemoth GOOGLE wants a shot at the Social networking Title...if you ask me it's about time someone got in on the action. I have been on Facebook for about 4 years and have seen it's luster wear off lately. Just look at your news feed now, there is nothing social about it. Everyone is playing Mafia Wars, and Retard Farm or whatever that game is the hell is that social at all?¿

      Sitting at a PC writing an email or having a live chat with a long lost friend = SOCIAL...sitting there and accumulating fake money or growing fat cows = LOSER...Let's work to put the SOCIAL back into Networking...

      That's my rant...peace

      JLS aka wear the Grudge Like a Crown...

      Friday, January 29, 2010

      What a Pessimistic Society...

      Have a look at what we didn't get on the new iPad...some cool feature mind you, but I guess this leaves room for new generations...I will say Apple missed the boat on not have a built in Camera/video Camera...just my opinion...

      Apple's iPad event: What we didn't get

      JLS aka giver two times

      Week in Review...Jan 29, 2010

      The "it's about time he was gone category winner is"...Gilbert Arenas...

      Gilbert Arenas' nickname is a good fit...

      What a complete waste of talent this guy is turning out to be, he's just joining the long list of athletes who have no damn clue how to act like human beings...this just proves me theory that people who are great at one thing, are terrible at a lot of other things...for example, Tiger Woods, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jordan...and so on...

      The "looks pretty darn cool, but will it take of winner goes to"...the iPad...

      I think the thing looks pretty cool I will say. However I worry that it is too much like the iphone that people won't jump on it...and I love Apple as an innovator so I am sure they will find ways to make this a must have and I hope they do! I think they need to invent something like a crazy multi media device that is like a tv and half ipad and half cooking my supper or something...just some thoughts...

      The "I know it wasn't a great year, but life goes on winner is"...El Presidente Obama

      I saw the Daily Show review of this state of the nation address, and I will say it was hilarious and there was a lot of F You attitude in it which I totally support. Obama is a great speech deliverer and I hope it makes some stuff happen this year, or tanks it more so our money will be on PAR again...

      Side notes...

      -Raptors Win, Raptors Win, Raptors Win
      -Superbow coming up...Saint vs Colts (so I was wrong in my predictions, but the Saints are gonna win this GREAT MATCHUP!)
      -It's cold, but snowboarding is wicked and I only fell about 15 times

      That's it, if you don't like it, well too darn bad...

      JLS aka the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be...