Friday, July 9, 2010

Random Thoughts on a mostly beautiful day...

Yes, those are my feet, and they are loving life!!!

Hey all, I know I say this almost every time I write, but it has been far too long. Maybe that should tell me something, but this isn't a day for lessons or learning :).

I really felt like writing something today but I don't really have a dedicated topic, so I have decided to dedicate to the topic of randomness...

Thoughts I think get thought when people think:

-People in any climate that is anywhere inside the Canadian borders should never complain about the 'heat'...we live in Canada, so if you can't handle a 30 plus day more than 2 times a year then I hear there is a great house for sale in Greenland.

-G20: there are a lot of angles I could take on this one, so here are a few points (opinions, so if you don't agree, I don't care)...the G20 should never be held in a heavily populated area, and maybe shouldn't even be held at all, but I don't know enough about their merits or lack there of to say for sure...the 'protesters' who started the vandalism and violence got off easy, if this was in another country people would have dies for sure, so stop complaining about the 'police state' because it never can bet if someone threw a hammer or billiard ball at me, it'd be on like Donkey Kong...if you don't like the comforts and privacy of a makeshift prison, don't put yourself in a position to have your ass dropped in one...I still think some of the 'rioters' were just shopping on Yonge street...and WTF did Starbucks, Champs Sports and Adidas ever do to you, you friggin punk...3 cop cars burned and nobody got shot????...

-GRATUITOUS PLUG: PLEASE LISTEN TO THE DICKIE LONG RADIO SHOW. There is a player up top and you can also listen to live and past shows at this link (there may or may not be adult language):

-The Gulf Oil 'Spill' (I have an issue with the term as a spill generally means something fell with some gravity involved, this is more of a spew) is still ongoing and with each passing day it will likely take an extra month to clean up. Those wetlands are vital for Hurricane protection of the region and without them you can bet another Katrina will come and will be worse. If you don't believe me, then look it up.

-Basic cable sucks!

-As some of you may know, there was a group of us that went to Cuba a few weeks back...Cuba is awesome, the people there are pretty great and it's if we are gonna talk about heat, let's talk about 40 degrees before the 90% humidity and we were told it wasn't even nearly as hot as they will get, nuff said...If you ever get to go there on an all inclusive, DO IT.

-The Miami Heat will not win the NBA title in the next 2 seasons, mark my words!

-What's wrong with people in the world today? I don't have a specific reason for saying this, just look at the news and pick from the thousands of reasons for yourself. Just smile, be polite and help your fellow human beings. We got nowhere else to go after all!

Well folks, I promise that i will be back sooner than the 40 or so days I was away this time. Keep it real and keep it classy.

JLS aka the co-King of early evening blog talk radio (The Dickie Long Show, listen to it if you like winning the lottery)

...Shout outs...the carriage driver in Cuba (me likey the viagra, me no likely the rum)...Legendario Cuban Rum, you have to try it...Josh and jump shot...Tammy-co...and on and on...

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