Monday, October 19, 2009

You thought what??...You're kidding right?!?!

OK folks, I have been extremely slack in writing for all of my fans...all 2 of I wanted to discuss something that is getting way more tv air time than it ever deserved. So I am giving the final word on this topic and then putting it to rest...

 Now I want you to take a look at this VIDEO and tell me one in the hell did anyone in their right mind look at that and say (and actually mean it) that a 6 year old boy is inside it ?!?!

Now I am certainly no genius, even though I have likely professed to being one many times in my life...but when I saw that video, my first thought was..."oh someone let their hot air balloon go in the air, no big deal". Then I realized that this was actually a story that every news outlet was covering, so I decided to try and understand why they would cover a piece of garbage flying through the air...I mean I know Colorado isn't the most happening place, but come on!!

So then I hear that the authorities think there is a 6 year old boy floating around in this glorified paper airplane...and that's when they lost me. I took one look at that thing and I said "no chance there is a kid in there, turn the channel!!" I am sure that I am not the only person who had that reaction, but by the sounds of it, there were WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T HAVE THAT REACTION! You know who you are...

Now I want you to have a look at this picture (courtesy of my friend Wolfman Blitzer @ CNN) and tell me how the kid would have kept his balance in that thing with it flying all willy nilly over the beautiful Colorado countryside ...quite frankly I am surprised that this thing could carry itself let alone anything that weighed more than a pound...what shotty craftsmanship...

I mean really if you are going to take the time to build a hoax machine that flies, at least have some damn pride in your work!!! By the wat, the kids name is Falcon, with that name he should learn how to fly on his own....

Ah the I will admit that I didn't see this part coming. I mean I knew the nerdy as he is...wasn't in the balloon, we have established this. I did not however think that the family and some friends helped build the entire scenario...I still am not sure what their plan was. Did they not think that they would get in some actual trouble from a stunt that caused the military and national media to get involved? Those are some seriously stupid genius' ( I say genius because they made something that flew quite a ways across a state, pretty impressive...), I say stupid, well I think you know that one...but really, what more could we expect from people brilliant enough to be on the TV 'Reality' Show Wife SWAP 2 times...

My questions to you my loyal readers is this: Who is less intelligent...the cops, military, media, and media watchers, for thinking the kid was really, 100% in the floating hoax...or the brilliant people who thought this hoax was a good idea?


This just in:

He claimed Heene's taste of "stardom" from twice being on TV reality show 'Wife Swap', gave him a sense of seniority in scientific conversation. (Is this guy serious, way to win the parents of the year award, morons...)

Heene wanted nothing more than to get on another reality TV series, said Thomas.
Still, Thomas says never imagined that Heene would involve his six-year-old son in what he is certain was a "global media hoax" to further Richard Heene's own celebrity. Read the entire article here.

JLS (aka the only source of news you will ever need...)

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