Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I like pizza Steve...

Well it's that time of year again, that time of year where some old guys sings that hit song...ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!?! I believe if it wasn't for that, nobody in the word would know that Hank Williams Jr was even still alive, because in the normal world, he certainly isn't relevant...but I digress...

Tomorrow evening we begin the march to Super Bowl XLIV (49 for those who are slow with roman numerals)...and I for one am looking very much forward to the march. You just never know what's gonna happen in the NFL and this is basically a holiday for me and I will be glued to my TV with a drink and some chili in my hand all day (hopefully the ventilation works!!)

The NFL to the NHL is like a wet t shirt competition between a young Jessica Alba and that crazy ugly lady from the old Dodge commercials..."don't you buy no ugly truck!!!"...they have no concept of business an Gary Bettman is basically Billy Bob Thornton in 'Slingblade" and the Coyotes are like his "French Fried Taters"...I have a lot to say on this subject, this is completely ridiculous, but that will have to wait for another time.

Ok so I digressed again, anyways here are some bold or not so bold NFL predictions...

Superbowl teams: Baltimore vs Green Bay and toss it up from there

Bold #1: The Detroit Lions could start Joe Montana in his prime and they would still suck the big one

Bold #2: The Oakland Raiders rival and likely exceed all pro teams in their inability to not be complete morons, I will say as entertainment they are great, as an NFL team I might as well suit up for them...Their coach has a mean hook, their owner is a long lost backup dancer from an 80's rap video and their starting QB likely couldn't beat that high school team Favre worked out with...other competitors in this category are, NY Knicks, LA Clippers, NO Hornets, Washington Nationals...

Bold #3: Brett Favre will have some good games but I believe they will be outweighed by poor ones and he may just die of old age on the field...but for the record I'm still rooting for him, but if it goes the way I think, I may have to root my head under the ground to avoid the carnage.

Teams to watch: Chargers, Titans, Pitt, Minn and ATL among others

Random Thought #13: sometimes when I golf the wind always gets really strong as soon as I hit the ball, and it always takes it right off the fairway...what's up with that...  

Random Thought #14: whenever you look at me like that...I remember why I punched you in the face when we were kids, and then again in HS and at church last week as well...sorry about that...

JLS (aka the one who spins you right round baby right round)

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