Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Michael Vick...maybe playing at the Dog Pound?...

With team after team turning him down, the question regarding Michael Vick, thrower of footballs and killer of dogs, is not whether he will return to the NFLor even whether he should return but whether he would be back already if he were just a wee bit younger and could still thread a needle with the football. The answer, boys and girls, is yes. An excuse would have been found.

Last month, league Commissioner Roger Goodell lifted the ban on Vick, making him eligible to join a team. Vick has done his time in jail and punched all the remorse and "paid his debt to society" tickets.

Read the whole article here....

I don't know what you think about this situation, but I have some very specific thoughts. Michael Vick was involved in some pretty disgusting stuff, but he has been punished quite severly for something that I guarantee happens to a great extent today...it's likely happening right now!

I love dogs and animals in general, so clearly Vick made a bad choice to torture them, maybe not first hand, but he was involved. Again, he paid his debt, he spent two years in jail (longer than some rapists and child molesters by the way), lost over 100 million dollars in endorsements, 2 years of a career that's almost impossible to get and is now forever labeled (rightly so, but a man should be able to work, and his skills happen to be a cannon arm and freakish athletic ability...)

One last note, the NFL is full of people who have been accused and/or convicted of crimes. Some less severe and some more severe (See Jamal Lewis, Ray Lewis, Dante Stallworth...).

Let him play, I am selfish and I want to see even 70% of the talent he had before because it will make me smile a lot, and most people say i don't smile enough...come on people...

What are your thoughts? What else ya wanna talk about?

JLS in Toronto

1 comment:

  1. Liking the blog buddy, keep it up. I want to weigh in on one particular part of the Vick story. I am completly on your side in that I think Vick deserves a chance to live his life following the debt he paid. He's lost everything and has the same right as anyone else would to start over.

    My beef is with all of the haters that say "Vick is a terrible role model for young children everywhere." This is no doubt coming from the people that have always been on the "right side of the tracks". Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to pretend that I ever had it hard in my life or that I was ever left wanting. I come from the "right side". However, all of those people that want to protect their perfect little world fail to realize that better than 70% of the general population isn't like them and someone like Vick could turn out the be a gret inspiration to children everywhere that have to really make difficult choices. Also think about all of the kids that have made the wrong choice at one point in their life? Vick is living proof that no matter what you have done in your life you CAN change and start making the right choices in your life and people will be there to help and support you. It's people like the people that say "Vick doesn't deserve another chance" that continue to keep thugs on the streets and children in the ghetto thinking that they CAN'T change and CAN'T be better.

    Vick shows those people that they can change and have a chance to be better. I think there are just people in this world that have nothing better to do than sit back and hate on anyone that is different from them and I think that most of them never would have made it out of prizon. They are the people that lack the character and determination to make a mistake, suffer the consequences, learn from it and make themselves better as a result.

    Just my thoughts!

